Download AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm

Download AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm

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AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm

AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm

AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm

Download AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm

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AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that helps you create modern client-side web applications. Through its elegant conventions, AngularJS provides solutions to common problems and save you a large amount of code that you would otherwise have to write. With AngularJS you can focus on the actual task, instead.
This book introduces you to AngularJS through a sample project that builds gradually. You will learn about the basic concepts, which allow you to create structured, modular and thus easy-to-maintain applications. In particular, we explain concepts such as modules, scopes, services and directives, and show how you can use them effectively. A separate chapter is devoted to connecting to a REST-based web service. In addition, we discuss tools such as Bower, Grunt, Karma and Yo. These tools can save you time by rendering certain tasks unnecessary. With Yeoman we outline a workflow that defines how these tools can be employed to create a productive environment for developers.

  • Sales Rank: #1150146 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-10-09
  • Released on: 2014-10-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Philipp Tarasiewicz is a freelance technology consultant, an author, a speaker, and a coach. He specializes in Enterprise JavaScript, specifically AngularJS, and he teaches and trains corporations to help them with new project ramp-ups. Robin Böhm is a software developer, a consultant, and a web technologies author who specializes in Enterprise JavaScript. For several years he has been dealing extensively with creating client-side web applications and helping companies train their employees. Together with Sascha Brink, the two run, a German AngularJS portal.

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AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm PDF
AngularJSBy Philipp Tarasiewicz, Robin Böhm PDF

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