Download PDF Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness

Download PDF Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness

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Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness

Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness

Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness

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Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness Review

If you believe Carmen and Geoffrey McGuinness, our children are in grave danger of becoming illiterates--and the McGuinnesses are the only ones who can save them. Reading Reflex is an exhaustive how-to guide for the reading instruction method they've developed called Phono-Graphix. Phonics and whole language take a beating here, with the authors accusing both methods of failing generations of would-be readers. Their approach, unabashedly touted as far superior, stresses the 43 sounds of the English language, treating letters as symbols of these sounds. Phono-Graphix teaches children to separate each phoneme in a word so that the phonemes can later be blended back in the right order. If this sounds familiar it's because the same method was heralded in 1997 in the well-publicized book Why Our Children Can't Read, by psychologist Diane McGuinness (Geoffrey's mother). Parents may find the first long chapter on the history and process of learning how to read a bit tedious and technical. But since each chapter--and the method--builds on these thoughts, it's a must to read the book from cover to cover. Harder still is accepting the McGuinnesses' claim that Phono-Graphix has a 100 percent success rate. Much of the research cited in their book seems to have been conducted by the authors themselves, with no indication of comparison groups or follow-up studies. Still, numerous schools throughout the country and in England have adopted the method. And the McGuinnesses' tone of alarm may ring true for some parents frustrated with their children's struggles to read. Phono-Graphix represents a new alternative where none existed before. Future analysis by outside evaluators will show whether it deserves the confidence its creators possess. --Jodi Mailander Farrell

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Nancy Loyd managing editor, Florida Primary Educator Reading Reflex gives parents everything they need to teach the young child who is ready to learn or the older child who is struggling.Daily Telegraph (London) A sparklingly clear guide to teaching reading...Reading Reflex is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to teach reading at home or in the classroom.Steve Truch director of The Reading Foundation The authors have done parents everywhere a great service. This book contains a well-researched and logical system of teaching children to read. It will go a long way in helping to meet the literacy challenge of the 21st century.

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Product details

Paperback: 368 pages

Publisher: Free Press; 1 edition (August 1, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0684853671

ISBN-13: 978-0684853673

Product Dimensions:

7.4 x 1 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

84 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#56,565 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

In Reading Reflex, Carmen McGuiness outlines an approach to teaching reading that maximizes all of the positive aspects of phonics-based instruction while eliminating certain aspects of that type of instruction that students find confusing. Her approach recognizes that people 'make sounds', not letters, and that letters simply represent the sounds that already exist in spoken language. Additionally, the phono-graphix approach recognizes and teaches the English written code (both basic and advanced) in the most straightforward, common-sense manner that I've ever encountered.The first two chapters outline why the method works and how to implement it, and the following chapters provide detailed, systematic lessons for teaching reading using the phono-graphix method. The book is well laid out and easy to use. McGuiness' method is research-based and clinically tested. I have worked in education for 10 years, and I've recently moved from teaching Spanish to secondary students to teaching reading to elementary students. I was taught to read using phonics. I was taught to teach reading using the whole language approach. I have been teaching reading for the past year using a phonics-centric blend of those approaches. While I've seen marked growth in each of my students using a phonics-centric approach, I have also encountered many of the problems described by McGuinness (too many exceptions to the rules for phonics rules to be useful, confusion about which letter 'makes' which sound when in fact letters only 'represent' sounds, and confusion over the names of letters versus the sounds they represent. I have only just begun to use the phono-graphix approach with my students, but I'm excited to see how the implementation of the strategies outlined in this book will move my students forward in their reading ability. I will update in 12 weeks when I've fully implemented the principles in the book, but I'm confident that I will see significant growth in reading ability in each of my students by the end of a 12 week trial period.

I tutor students of all ages. I ordered this book specifically for a little boy I am working with from Haiti who was told he could not continue on to 2nd grade unless he improved his reading. The very first day that we used the techniques outlined in this book, my young student was able to read full sentences, and fluently. We called in his mother towards the end of our time, and he read to her: she nearly cried. I know I was wiping away some tears.It is this type of break-through that we as teachers live for.I so appreciate the step-by-step lessons this book lays out. I needed guidance to help this little boy quickly, and this book does it. The author also explains the science and philosophy behind the methods employed, and she makes total sense throughout. I am thrilled that I stumbled upon this!!

I've been working with my homeschooled 8 year old daughter, finally forcing her to learn to read, for a few months. We weren't concerned about her lack of reading before, just thought it would come with time. She was asking to learn to read, but every time I sat down with her, she would fight me. We recently had her tested by an education specialist who discovered some unspecific learning disabilities, and recommended a lot of different options, all very expensive. I researched all over the web and discovered Reading Reflex from the Phono-Graphix people, and was intrigued. We've been working through the book now for less than a month, are just finishing The Basic Code section, and it seems to have helped (that, along with an online reading program called Reading Eggs). I like the concepts in the book--they make a lot of sense. My older 2 children are excellent readers, and learned how to read using the Spalding Method in a charter school. I think Spalding is an excellent method, but think Reading Reflex applies similar concepts in a more holistic approach, ie. starting from what children already know, which is the spoken and heard lanquage, and applying that info to a written code (which makes little sense with all of the *rules* that are broken). Reading Reflex attacks the problem of reading, I believe, from the right angle, and I plan on using it to teach my younger children to read. If you can find it, I highly recommend buying a spiral bound version of the book. I photocopied all the pages I needed (on regular white printer paper on my home printer/copier), cut everything out, then laminated them all on my home laminator, and store them all in envelopes as directed. I also bought my recommended white board at Hobby Lobby for $4 (much better than the one I bought at Walmart made by Crayola for $10). Some of the recommended activities (games?) are not very fun for my struggling 8 year old. Some games we have improvised: our own Sound Bingo with more of the sounds she struggles with; a "Funny Words Game" where we draw from a pile 4 consonants and 2 vowels and see how many 3 sound words we can come up with, then she writes down the word on her white board; and we do the 3 Sound Auditory Processing activity with all the letters in the Basic Code with words I think of, instead of just using the little cards. I'm amazed at how many words there really are! Going through this experience has taught me how difficult it really is to learn to read, especially for one with dyslexia like my daughter (dyslexia=problems reading). I'm hoping Reading Reflex does the trick, but since she still struggles, I think we will likely also pursue vision therapy, and possibly Lindamood Bell, after I get her as far as I can. Another note: the book recommends that when you as the parent sit down with your child to teach him or her that you be very firm. I finally "laid down the law" and told my daughter to be obedient during our lessons, that I was the teacher, not her, and that it wasn't about having fun, it was about learning a life skill. She shaped up and we made a lot of progress that day, which in and of itself was FUN! Good luck!

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Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness PDF

Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness PDF

Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness PDF
Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read, by Carmen McGuinness PDF

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